Heat flow method can be adopted to measure the thermal contact resistance of two mating samples or thin film materials.
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Raman spectroscopy
Once a laser illuminates on a specimen, photons of the laser beam will be absorbed by the sample and pumped to virtual states; it then reemits photons with same or slightly higher/lower frequencies and jump back to ground state. If the frequency is same, it is a Rayleigh scattering process. If the frequency is lower, it is called stock shift; otherwise it is an anti-stock shift. The frequency changes is related to the molecular vibration, rotation, bending. Therefore, similar as IR spectroscopy, Raman can also be adopted as a powerful tool to study the molecular structures.
Continue reading “Raman spectroscopy”Refractive index measurement by Abbe Refractometer
Abbe refractometer measures a material’s refractive index through determining the critical angle αc under total internal reflection conditions.
Continue reading “Refractive index measurement by Abbe Refractometer”Numerical aperture and resolution
The numerical aperture of a microscope objective is the measure of its ability to gather light and to resolve fine specimen detail while working at a fixed object (or specimen) distance. Resolution of an optical microscope is defined as the smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities.
Continue reading “Numerical aperture and resolution”Yellowness index measurement
Yellowness Index (YI) is a number calculated from spectrophotometric data to characterize the change in color of specimen from clear or white to yellow.
Continue reading “Yellowness index measurement”Study of sub-surface features by laser confocal microscopy
A laser confocal microscope has the ability to isolate a single plane of focus from thick samples or overlapping objects. Therefore it is a powerful tool to image the surface or bulk (in transparent media) features of a specimen.
Continue reading “Study of sub-surface features by laser confocal microscopy”Study the curing reaction of silicone release agent through FTIR
In PSA industry, release liner is one of the key components. The main functions of release liner are to provide protection of the adhesive layer during storage and transportation, and ensure a residue-free removal from the protected adhesive layer without damaging or contaminating it.
Continue reading “Study the curing reaction of silicone release agent through FTIR”Silicone FTIR
The paper, titled with Characterization of Surface Treatments of Cork Stoppers by FTIR-ATR and published in J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006,54, 4932-4936, proposed an analytical method for identification of the presence of surface treatments in cork stoppers. The information about the FTIR bands for silicone is quite useful.
Continue reading “Silicone FTIR”FTIR
Molecular bonds can be considered as stiff springs which can be bent or stretched. The vibration (bending and stretching) energy lies in the infrared (IR) range. Therefore, through the interaction between IR incident beam and molecules in samples to be tested, through transmission or reflection, molecular bonds information can be extracted from the absorption spectra to obtain their molecular structures.
Continue reading “FTIR”Thermal conductivity measurement (ASTM D 5470, E1530, and E1461)
Thermal conductivity measurements can be divided into two groups: steady state and transient state testing methods. Steady state methods also includes guarded hot-plate (GHP) method and Heat-Flow Meter (HFM), while a typical transient method is Laser/Xenon Flash (LFA/XFA) method.
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