17 miles drive is one of the best scenic points I have ever been to, particularly for the ocean view. Interestingly, somehow it has Chinese involvement in history. In 1602 the Monterey Peninsula was mapped by Spanish explorers. By 1840 the area now called Pebble Beach was a rancho left to widow, Carmen Garcia Barreto Maderiaga Maria, by her late husband. She sold the 4000 acre property for $500 in 1846. Ownership passed several times until 1862 when the property was purchased at auction for 12 cents an acre by David Jacks. At the time, the area was called “Stillwater Cove”. Jacks leased the land to the “China Man Hop Company”, a small village with a population of about 30 Chinese fishermen living in shacks built upon the rocky shoreline. Now Let’s have a tour to this beautiful place [1].
17里湾是我见过的最美海景之一。好玩的事,这里还有这中国人的故事。1862年这个地方租给了叫“China Man Hop Company”的小村落。下面的地点也有中国元素在。
Map of the 17 miles drive
Shepherd’s knoll

Shepherd’s knoll is hidden in hills as marked in the above map. This vista point gives a grand view of Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz Mountains.
Shepherd’s knoll比较偏僻。不过这里可以远眺Monterey湾和远处的Santa Cruz山。
Huckleberry Hill
Huckleberry hill is one of the highest points in this area; you can oversee the Monterey bay.
Huckleberry hill是个小高地。从这里可以俯瞰Monterey湾。
Spanish Bay
A pleasant place for a stroll around the shoreline.
The Restless Sea
Point Joe
Joe was a Chinese man who lived alone in a driftwood home near this point in early 1900s. He made a living selling trinkets to tourists and tending goats. Not sure if he had good to enjoy this wonderful ocean view at that time。
China Rock
Bird Rock
Home to countless shorebirds and groups of harbor seals and sea lions.
Lone Cypress
The lone cypress has prevailed on its rocky perch for more than 250 years.
The Ghost Tree
Pescadero Point
The Lodge at Pebble Beach
The Lodge is the heart of Pebble Beach and home to world famous Pebble Beach Golf Links. Most importantly it is open to the public.
The Lodge位于Pebble Beach的心脏地带;Pebble Beach Golf Links是公认的世界最漂亮的高尔夫球场之一。更重要的是她对大众开放;您也可以进去看看,享用美食,看看极美的海滩。